Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Vacation!

You have a few tasks to complete before you start your vacation. Use your checklist to stay organized and on task. You will need to turn in your checklist at the end of class.

First, visit the "Tomb Building" link. Plan your journey into the afterlife by carefully reading each page and following the directions. Do not check off this task until you have completed a successful afterlife planning session. It's okay to try a few times if you don't make it on your first attempt. Be sure to read the recommendations on the page to help you make better decisions on your second (or third) turn.

The next task is to visit the culturegrams link. Go to the section for "subscribers." I will give you the username and password in class. Please visit South America and check out the country links. Look for interesting topics like, "famous people" and "photo gallery." Use your checklist to record anything interesting to share with the class.

Third, I would love to hear from you. Please comment to this blog today. Tell me your thoughts on Social Studies class lately. Did you enjoy the mummy project?

If you have extra time check out the "geography games" link. Choose South America and run the country tutorial first. When you have studied the country locations, try level one. You can keep track of your improvement with your scores. Try to come up with strategies to help remember the country locations.

Keep track of your progress on your checklist. You will need to turn it in at the end of today's class. Have fun!